Thursday, July 13, 2006

Abiding Affairs

Without fail, my arrival home always brews up the same sort of emotions. Hatred, apathy and disdain are just some of the few. I long to be at whatever third world destination I've just been, or in most cases on the softer, more welcoming coast. I turn my face in opposition toward the skyline. I find it's colors and shapes mocking and cold. I love my city, I really do but I long for the slow, relaxed, friendly atmosphere that puts a pep in your everyday step.
My hatred for New York lasted long enough. So, today I set out for a neighborhood I love for it's food, eclectic nature and people watching possibilities, the East Village.
Armed with optimism and a friend whose disposition is like sunshine I set out to make amends with my old friend, New York.
After a meal at my favorite Indian restaurant, being served by my favorite waiter things began to look up for the two of us. Walking down Second Ave the city was a bustle with tourists, punks, artists, children playing, lovers loving and all the other good stuff summer supplies. Passing some favored vintage shops, good old Saint Mark's and other favorite places my heart soon began to be once again won over.
The chilled ice queen soon began to once again transform herself into a plethora of warmth, opportunity and art. Her minions the birds, began to sing their gleeful songs and her usual summer friend, humidity was away for the day.
After stopping to smell the roses, or in this case organic body wash which I oh, so love, I bought my favorite summer comfort, chocolate sorbet. I sat in the park, ate my sorbet and watched as my friend Snow White fed all the pigeons in the 5 boroughs. It was a truly glorious day.
Like an old friend, New York always knows what you need and today, it didn't let me down.

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