Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Endures, Hopes, and Believes All

Today, July 25, 2006 is my parents 25th wedding anniversary. I have yet to live 25 years and, because of that the concept of spending a lifetime with one person is almost as mind boggling as considering how Jehovah has had no beginning or creator.

My parents, Max and Rosa, are the epitome of love and endurance. Like Solomon once poetically stated, my parent's 'love is as strong as death is, their insistence on exclusive devotion is as unyielding as She'ol is' and their passion and 'blazings for each other are like a fire, the flames of Jehovah.'

It's amazing how when you're younger such a love between your parents is gross or disturbing but as you grow it becomes comforting. Every human has a basic need to be truly loved and have loyal companionship. It is satisfying to know that you were raised around such a love and hopefully, someday you will be able to experience this for yourself.

As my father said in his speech during their surprise party, Sunday ' it's amazing how fast 25 years can go with someone you love. I hope you all have those 25 years and then some.

My parents have not the faintest idea what a blog is but I use this to congratulate them on 25 years of love, birth, death, endurance, patience, faith, hope, grief, truth and true joy.


Anonymous said...

aww yay. I send my congrats as well. Your parents are adorable. I don't need to remind you of how I know how much they love each other right now, but all I'll say is light FM and the basement shower.....

SillyAlicat said...

Hahaha. I know, every time I hear Barry Manilow I go running. Ahh amore!

Lyssa said...

a few weeks ago, i was out in service and the sister was trying to write out an anniversary card, and couldnt remember where that scripture came from. but knew Soloman wrote it, so we spent the morning seaching for it. What a beautiful concept though. my parents ahve been married for 30 years and my grandparents for 50 this past year. and yeah its a little mind boggeling to my 19 year old existence

SillyAlicat said...

Lys, tis a beautiful scripture.

Lil, I know the Adsense is freaky. The other day I was eating gelato and it had an ad for gelato makers. It's like a magic 8 ball via google. As for the better love life, HA. I'm a moron when it comes to matters of the heart. I need someone to save myself from myself.

Smapdi said...

Your dad looks kinda like Harry Conick Jr.

SillyAlicat said...

It's the big toothy grin, isn't it?

SillyAlicat said...

Sue, they definitely view you as a niece of theirs and you're just like a cousin to me. "snuggles"

some more cult cusack
how do you post a link in a comment! It won't work for me!

Smapdi said...

use the same html code you use to make a link in a blog post.

Except instead of putting "" arround the url put ' '.

Hope that helps, if not go to the blogger dashboard and click on the blogger help link on the right and look under templates for HTML.

Anonymous said...

Awww- your dad's speech was so sweet! Congratulations to them!!!

(Highly jealous of the Jamacia trip, but after 25 years, they certainly deserve it!)

(Btw Ali, how did you hold up with the ...um, shall we say, difficulties of the day?);)

SillyAlicat said...

Jess, so kind of you to ask. It was interesting to say the least. I spent 2 hours planning out the intricate placement of twinkle lights and decorations in the form of parasols and bells. If there was such a thing as a personal hell, I believed I was in mine. It's a good thing Jehovah is a God of love. I couldn't manage seeing all that twinkle and aluminum based decor for eternity.

Anonymous said...

Ali, you don't know me and obviously you know that. I read your post about your mom and dad and I had to thank you for that.I have two sons and sometimes take for granted that my love for their father is so vital for their well being and vice versa. I can be a terrible wife (i'm really mean to a good man).

ps. i'm rubytuesdays friend thats how i 'found' you

SillyAlicat said...

Hey Rockenmom!
Any friend of Jess is a friend of mine!I'm glad my blog is being used to inspire. Parents are like the compasses to our future. If they are well in tact then it will be a lot easier for us to smoothly end up at the right destination. I'm grateful my parents displayed tlc around me. I'm sure you're a fantastic wife, but don't be too mean to him, there are very few good guys left in the world!