Sunday, July 16, 2006

Say Anything

I adore John Cusack.

Two things I love; self pity and ice cream. Both can be destructive but the temporary gratification you get is oh, so worth it.

I ask you: Is it possible to hold onto nothing? Do you need something tangible, something evident to have a firm grip on things, reality, and situations. If I reach out to hold onto nothing will I fall or fly?

Fruits with thicker skins tend to be more delicious. Are people with thicker skins just as appealing?


Anonymous said...

I love your pro. Its so you. I miss you so much. Maybe one day I'll get to come back down and we can hang. I'm sure Nic has shown you the pics of when me and Rach were there. Pretty funny, huh? G2g. Love ya, hun


SillyAlicat said...

You must come down soon! You're only a short, scary plane ride away. I've seen some of the pictures and I think they're adorable. Tell Rach I said hi. I want to hear her gossip.

Nina said...

I like thick skin.'s good for you ;)

SillyAlicat said...

I love thick skin. I just wish I had some! If I were a thick skinned fruit, I'd be a banana. How about you?

Anonymous said...

what!!!!!! ba nan as "say anything" is one of my absolute favourite films ,...........holding the stereo "in your eyes" what a song!

Nina said...

I'd be a pear...peared. Not pear-shaped...just a-peared.

Nina said...

Tis a great scene...cept that John stole it from me...blast him! Good thing we broke up

SillyAlicat said...

Peter Gabriel, Lloyd Dobbler...PERFECTION!

Anonymous said...

that's what i said,,,,,,,,,kick boxing (sport of the future)

what ya gonna do lloyd?

ermm i think im just gonna hang out with ur daughter sir.

she's pretty wonderful isnt she.

i am the keymaster!!!

SillyAlicat said...

I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. You know, as a career, I don't want to do that.

What I really want to do with my life - what I want to do for a living - is I want to be with your daughter. I'm good at it.

AHH! I want to watch it RIGHT now! THANKS STEVE!

SillyAlicat said...

I can see this is going to be a touchy subject, Ruby.
I love Better Off Dead but Lloyd Dobbler and his undying devotion will always have a place in my heart. Let's just agree that John Cusack's cinematic presence in the 80's was very commaning and a tour de force
Hahaha :)

Anonymous said...

you may never have seen it ali but he was great in "the sure thing" aswell ,love that film too

MERSEY buckets

SillyAlicat said...

Wait Nina, a pear doesn't have thick skin. When I say a thick skinned fruit I mean something you can't eat. I.E., Mango, Watermelon, Banana, my mind is at a loss for more thick skinned fruit but I know for certain a pear isn't one of them! (a watermelon is a melon but it's still counts in my book!)

Steve, seen it. Love it.
How about Mercy buckets?

Smapdi said...

Self-Pity is enjoyable? Never heard that perspective before...

And though I know those questions were rhetorical, people with thicker skins usually do make better friends and companions in my experience.

SillyAlicat said...

Petey, self pity is enjoyable only in the sense that it makes you feel better. Sometimes it's easier to delve into deeper sadness than immediatly try and save yourself from it. Maybe that's just my twisted mind. Maybe I like sadness. Maybe I'm destined to be like Poe.
I never ask rhetorical questions. I LOVE answers to things. So tell me, what is your fruit identity?

Anonymous said...

im a kiwi fruit, a bit hairy on the outside, but delicious inside when u try me!!!

so profound,,,,,,,,

Smapdi said...

Hmmmm, fruit identity eh? That is a tough question. I mean I really like mangos, but How do I know If I am like a Mango? I really like Kiwi's as well, but what human characteristics can be compared to a Kiwi? besides the hairyness? hehe.

Could I be like the grape? Thriving best on the vine with other grapes, yet still in my own little world, and sweet in my own right? Though grapes are not thick skinned, they are hard on the inside, (the seed).

Or coule I be like the Tomato? The unnasuming one, the one that most people don't even realize is a fruit at all, but if look past that and give it a taste you find it really is a great food?

I really don't think I could decide for myself, maybe someone who knows me well could decide better.

SillyAlicat said...

Steve, you certainly are hairy enough to be a kiwi. Plus, Kiwis have those little seeds. A little sour for most people, but VERY appealing to others. I hear Nina likes kiwis... hehehehe. You can slap me in Septembre!
Peter, unfortunately I do not know you at all so I can't place your fruit identity but I say be a mango. They are an exotic fruit, appealing in color, inside AND out. PLUS they are a little bit of a challenge to eat. The grape is good but the seeds are too intrusive. The tomato is very multi-tasking BUT I still say Mango, go for mango!

Smapdi said...

Ruby - I don't get it.

I am slow on the uptake though, so maybe it will come to me in the middle of the night and suddenly i will be offended or something...

Oh well. :)

Anonymous said...

nina likes kiwi's!!!!!
wow what a shocker!!!

have to keep that in mind hey ali???!!!!

for some reason

SillyAlicat said...

I hear kiwi and pear have finally 'paired off' Seem to be a good match. ;-)

Nina said...

you can even say they're the PREFECT PEAR...

mmmmmmmm New Zealand Natives...mmmmm

Nina said...

prefect...or perfect...take your pick.

Anonymous said...

I know this is kinda old, but i saw john cusack and i had to comment. Love love love john cusack and his romantic comedies. nothing is better then a saturday night, a john cusack movie and coldstone icecream! Actually, there are better things lol, but w/e.

And p.s.
self-pity is sooo necesary sometimes. Kinda a necesary evil i guess.