Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Spuddy Buddies

Homage to "The Potato" and a Russian girl who waited for bread when she didn't have to.

One picked me up when Perry kicked me down.
The other picked me up in Atlanta International Airport when I kicked myself down. (laughing the whole time I might add)
One stood by my side all day long today.
The other sat by my side coaching and coaxing me in times of distress.
Both sink easily in water.

A few words that remind me of my spuddy buddies: reliable, salty, loyal, comforting, strong, firmly rooted, sour cream, and finally, farm fresh.


Anonymous said...

threats work.. i live in fear of my certified (for scuba diving..)friend

beyondthestairs said...

I can't believe that she stood in line to PAY for bread! What kind of Russian Bread Line is that! COME ON!!

Anonymous said...

bread is a luxury, no luxury is ever free! common knowledge Aaron

beyondthestairs said...

Ya, because everyone in those fancy resturants go for the bread... wait a minute, THEY GIVE IT OUT FOR FREE!! Luxury my tight butt!

SillyAlicat said...

I would just like to say how disappointed I was when the story ended with paid for bread. Your Russian tragedy went from Hemmingway to Dr. Seuss, Ox!
As for the luxury of bread, I believe bread to be a staple as opposed to a luxury. For example, when you order a sandwiich you never pay extra for bread. It just comes with it. Then again is it a sandwich WITHOUT bread? Hmm.... Yada Yada Yada you're life isn't tragic Ox, face it!