Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Steno Stupor

I sit here in school on a twenty minute break, that I've made into thirty, and I reflect on how much I hate school. I love court reporting, I really do. I love its flexibility, it's convenience and its plethora of free time and mobility. I just LOATHE school. I sit in class tapping away at my machine, trying to keep up with the 225 wpm dictation. Getting by with the 200 wpm and nailing the 180 wpm (except it seems on tests). School is repetitive, redundant, and it leaves way too much time for my mind to wander and think about things that make me sad, upset, or disappointed. Three hours of repeated dictations can make any sane person go mad. I'm not saying I'm in any way sane; many of you may say otherwise. I can't wait to leave this cursed place, spread my wings, move on to greener pastures and continue to travel the world. I still have two continents to see! So, as you're sitting there at home with music in the background reading this, or at your job that you're getting paid for, or at some hot sweaty internet cafe in a remote tropical island, I say pity me because chances are your day is a lot better than mine.

The bitterness may also be attributed to the fact that it is also my first day back since vacation AND I'm still sick. Yeah, yeah, yeah I'll stop my whining now.


Smapdi said...

I still have 6 continents to see, hehe.

SillyAlicat said...

Not everyone can be like Carmen San Diego. Ah! Remember that show? Good times with PBS!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ali,

I love your site!

Love Candace

beyondthestairs said...

Ok, I may be in the internet cafe' of some tropical paradise, but I'm sick too! :( (single tear)

Smapdi said...

Remember the show? I remember the game show, the cartoon, and I used to play the computer game in 3-4 grade. I was Carmen's Bane when I was little.

Lyssa said...

As a fellow student, I agree. I can't wait to get my getttt outtt.

(I try to quit school at least a few times a year! hahaha, esp during FINALS WEEK!! ARR)

But just think: it's only temporary. (That thought got me through soo much school this year! HA!)

SillyAlicat said...

Candy, it was GREAT to see you today. Thanks for the love!

Flux, I'd rather be sick in Roatan than on the D train wishing I was in Roatan.

Peter, my last name is Santiago. I was taunted all throughout elementary school with kids saying 'where in the world is alison santiago' Tiring? NEVER. I played the game too! Remember Oregon trail! Bobby died of small pox... poor Bobby!

Sue, 130-225 is alllll congressional speeches and depositions involving an ominous man named Mark Hill. Be prepared to want to hit yourself over the head with your tripod.

Lys, you're one of my few single friends left. Hurry up and finish school so I can have some more traveling companions. I've got Australia and Africa left!

Smapdi said...

At least your last name had some kind of relevance in the nicknames you were givin.

My last name (despite what my blog name says) is Gosa. Pronounced just like it is spelled Go Sa.

The ever rememerable "Gososlow" when playing tag in elementary school.

The taunting "Goosa".

The gym teacher in high school calling everyone by their last name correctly, but for zome reazon calling me Goza. Everyone in school called me that until i moved.

And the more recent ones made up by my close friends, like Gosuckanegg. sometimes replaceing egg with other things, like toe, or whatever might be poigniant at the time.

SillyAlicat said...

Pete, I feel your pain. I was 5'4 and in 4th grade. Talk about nicknames! I just try and think of it as a character building experience... :'(

Anonymous said...

You forgot you have south america to see! Fine place indeed. I feel bad for Antartica, it's so neglected yet it is the only place on earth that no one yet owns! The last land free of civilization and ownership, the way it was meant to be. beautiful thought.