Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Addressing Awkwardness

We all feel it at times. The twitch of not belonging; unacceptance. No matter how fine tuned our personalities and maturity could be it is still there. It just seems that the older and more fine tuned you become, the less obvious you make your awkwardness to be. Some people no longer feel the need to work on the solution to their pangs of unacceptance. They rely solely on hope; hoping no one sees through them or the things they do. I have a few questions. Maybe they are unrelated, or maybe they are completely related but either way I feel compelled to ask:

  • When did a person's whole circle of friends start existing only in the cyber realm?
  • When did those who are more intelligent, more spiritual minded, more socially capable become punished for their skills of goodness?
  • When did the shallow, more superficial, less witty become rewarded for their lack of almost everything?
  • When did I start giving myself a headache from thinking far too much?
  • When did the solutions become less apparent and almost nonexistent?
  • When did life become more complex and less fun?

When, when, when.

Today's Inspirations: Lack of food, lack of music, lack of any stimuli other than Charles in Charge (does that even count as stimulation?)


Anonymous said...

If you ever find out the answers to these questions please tell me. I have been struggling with these and similar questions of late. Nice blog Ali.

SillyAlicat said...

Gus Gus, I will keep you aware of my ongoing quest but first, who are you?

Lil Lila, The right answer? Don't you mean when is it the wrong answer?

Lyssa said...

and Charles in Charge always counts as adiquite stimini.

I want charles in charge of me.... o scott baio. haha.

beyondthestairs said...

It's never changed. It's always been the same. I think, maybe your hope is just wearing off. If you weren't one of the good ones you would have no need for hope. Things just seem this way to you because the majority of the world fits your posts description. The problem with that is you're only seeing the majority reacting with the majority. Instead look for the minority touching the hearts of the minority. :)

Smapdi said...

1. When the Internet became widely used.
2. When satan rebelled.
3. See 2.
4. I don't know.
5. See 2.

It seems that people are begining to leave blogger because of questions just like these. Which is unfortunate, because While I do not believe in just making friends with just random people over the internet, I don't see why it has to be such a social suicide, if you happen to talk to someone on the internet first before meeting them.

I mean, If I talked to Someone in Cinci, then went to visit john, and met them there, what would be the difference between that and many more miles? Or between that, and randomly running into them one evening out?

I figure as long as you know for a certainty the person is an upstanding member of the congregation, they are family right? Good associations are good associans regardless of the medium.

Would anyone look down on pen pals? No one ever did.

Anonymous said...

I think I agree with Dustironimous.. or at least I would have until Saturday, when, by chance, an internet acquaintance was somewhere i was.. now; she was as expected and implied, but STILL, very awkward. don't really know why tho..
I hate shaving- I try only to shave when I have to.

Anonymous said...

(to defend myself)
the person i was refering to was an online acquaintance.. not dating or anything remotely close.. and it was a friend of a "real" friend of mine.

SillyAlicat said...

It seems there is a lot to address.

Lyssa, I never found Scott Baio attractive until yesterday. Maybe it's the slight mullet and tight jeans.

Aaron, thanks. I appreciated that.

Dusty, I see where you are coming from and I agree with you. I also agree with Lila but I am under the impression that you are refering to people with whom who have a mutual friend. Someone who it seems you will inevitably meet because of similar social circles. I do not take it that you are on jwmatch in search of 'pen pals'.

Matt, that seems to happen to you a lot! I'll wax your beard for you. Something about making a man squirm in pain all for the purpose of vanity puts a smile on my face.

Lila, it is true that we cannot tell hardly anything from a person online. Like we talked about last weekend, we've both had situations with people with whom we met online. It is impossible to know a person's true intentions and spirituality online and that is why it is wise to talk to only people who you have met in person or have mutual friends in common. I find the idea of people going online to find their future life partner a bit baffling and scary.

I think it is safe to say that all of us agree that a high level of care should be taken when conversing with others over the internet (see "Emotional Rugby")and that it is ill advised for us to seek out "jw" associates just because we think we share the same beliefs. The internet can be used for good or for evil and I have faith most, if not all who read my blog and have one of their own are using it as a means of creativity and of expression and not as a pickup joint.

By the way, What parents would let a 20 something college guy be "in charge" of their 16 year old daughters. Does anyone else find that slightly disturbing?

Anonymous said...

uhm.. oops.. wasn't trying to come across as starting a debate.. just here for Ali's fun blog- gives me something to smile about at work- didn't take your post as a personal stab, just clarifying my post. sorry-

Anonymous said...

1) When, You let it! The things you Want, Do & Have is your course in life no one else.

2) Can we all say Satan???

3) When, the world became more Shollow, more Superficial & less Witty...

4) When, we all get Old Enough to make such a life for ourself.

5) When, you get more Important Solutions.

6) When you Grow UP!

You have some good things on you r blog!!! Keep it up...

Smapdi said...

I don't even know why I am in on this. Maybe It's my seeming Inability to avoid drama.

I can't find the scripture right now, but one reasons the branch tells us not to hang around in 'chat rooms' is the obvious not having any control over who comes and goes, and hence being in danger of someone who isn't good comming in and trying to influence us for the worse.

But the scripture I was referencing says something about not associating with men who hide who hide who they really are. It's easy for someone to portray themselves as someone else over the internet, and hence most people 'hide who they are'.

So I guess the question is this. Do any of you feel like you are talking to people who You havn't verified though shared friends that they are who they say they are?

Trust your conscience.

Smapdi said...

Besides that the only point I was trying to make with my first comment, is that a friend of mine seemed to be of the opinion that it was stupid, and I would be a 'loser' if I became friends with in real life someone who I had initially only spoken to over the internet.

I didn't see the difference between meeting them through a friend at a coffee shop, or meeting them through a friend over text. Regardless, you are meeting them through someone you trust won't be introducing you to a dangerous companion.

That being said. Maybe blogger is too open of a medium to be doing that.

SillyAlicat said...

Yo mama so fat when her beeper goes off, people thought she was backing up

Yo mama so fat she has been declared a natural habitat for Condors

Yo mama so fat she goes to a resturant, looks at the menu and says "okay!"

Yo mama so fat when she wears a yellow raincoat, people said "Taxi!"

Smapdi said...

Haha, Lila, I don't blame you. Who would wan't to willingly come to Ohio?