Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Cereal Suicide

Many of you will agree with me when I say I do stupid things at times. Usually they occur when I'm in a rush or sleep deprived in the early morning. Imagine what could happen when you combine the two together...

I was running late for school today so I thought it would be a fantastic idea to drive to the train so that I could spare myself the 20 minute walk and then it would also be convenient to meet up with my service group later this afternoon. I concluded that driving was indeed a smart idea.

I was also hungry, but our bananas were the color of my black shirt and we lacked any appealing flavors of yogurt. I had just given up on the idea of breakfast until I remembered we had Honey Bunches of Oats in our pantry. I searched for a little container, poured the milk and stocked up on my favorite cereal. The idea of operating a motor vehicle while eating cereal did not seem to be a stupid idea at the time.

I had it in a deep enough container to avoid spillage and I made sure to eat it only when no traffic was in front of me or when I was at a light. I was eating it happily until I saw a van cut me off, during this time I had to slam on my breaks and the oats that were soothed with almonds and honey were now all over me and the car. I lacked any napkin and I was late so I just used my skirt to soak up whatever residue of milk was left. The flakes dried in an odd fashion on my shirt but luckily I was able to brush them off once they crusted.

Needless to say, I stink of milk and I am living proof as to why they are trying to pass a law that prohibits eating and driving.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. In my case I ONLY spill coffee in my car when I put milk in it. Whats odd about that is that I rarely put milk in my coffee.. I always go black with sugar. However, when I am EXTREMELY overtired, I want to drink my coffee fast, but it's too hot, thus the milk.. and thus, the spillage.

Smapdi said...

Law to prohibit eating a driving????!


Lyssa said...

DWE is an art. One that should never be resricted by the govt. Now that's just plain censureship.

SillyAlicat said...

Matt! Yay and welcome! How was Cali and your annoying twin? Coffee is something I seem to spill almost daily on myself. If it stains, then it's on me. I stay away from dark juices and sauces strictly for the sake of the wardrobe.
All, They can't take our freedom! Maybe they should just restrict us eating liquid food, i.e., soup, cereal, borcht, etc.
Did I mention I was eating my cereal with chop sticks....

AbstractThinker said...

when i was pregers with my first son I threw up going doin the freeway in a new infinity. fortunatly i was craving lemon that morning so my puke was lemony fresh

by the way i responded to your post

Anonymous said...


Smapdi said...


Why, god why? *cries*

SillyAlicat said...

I'm waiting for Lila to come back from her day of fun in Minnesota to correct our spelling on this Russian staple.
Lila, come back soon!