Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Emotional Rugby Anyone?


We all play them. Some of us are better at them then others. Personally, I like word games; Scrabble, Boggle and Balderdash to name a few. These are not the games I speak of.

When did emotions mold themselves into a ball that could be played with? Even if those feelings took on that form, who gives anyone the authority to play with and manipulate them?

With the advent of technology comes the cheapening of communication. You can talk to a person thousands of miles away with just a click of a mouse, a flick of a webcam and a push of a thumb on a cell phone. There was a time, a time that would seem unthinkable to most, where computers did not exist and only one phone per household was the norm.

As a result, when someone received a phone call, especially from a member of the opposite sex, it was an event. The household knew, the words were monitored and the time limited. Because of this, the person who called had to have intentions and a purpose in calling the other. Their time was limited and games were not even a seed in their minds.

There is a misuse as well as an overuse of communication. We use communication as not a means to emote things but as a way to entertain ourselves. With this entertainment comes mixed messages, confused emotions and in the end hurt feelings. Instead of people reading, writing and doing arithmetic to busy their minds they spend their free milliseconds flirting with others.

I have not only been the victim of this but also the offense. I've been bored, emotionally distraught, and just plain stupid and as a result I've toyed with men's emotions and thoughts. I've reasoned that they should've known better but really it was I who should have. Both parties are left with the bruises of regret and like a tied game, none are left the victor, none the loser but both feel unsatisfied and pathetic hoping next time will be different, next time they will be more careful, and maybe even that next time won't be a game but the end.

Today's Inspirations: FIXED electronics, Indian Food, Pabst, Guilt, Remorse, Shame, Soho and Bob Marley.


Smapdi said...

It's why I hate computers. Obviously I use, and own one, and find them quite intertaining. But with the advent of "chat" all things become unclear. The weight of our words seems to become less, yet because of the freedom it gives us, the actuallity is that our weight of our words should be more.

I hate to sound like a dork, but it's not my fault the reasoning is famous, but great power requires great responsibility. Otherwise others get hurt.

But believe me, I know your pain, I have felt it many times. And even though I have had many years to mature and not get myself in so much trouble, and learn where I should and should not step, the fact is I still sit here in front of a computer screen, and emotions aren't so easily controlled.

Smapdi said...

"intertaining" I am AWESOME!

SillyAlicat said...

Pukky, computers make it so easy to say things we normally would never have the guts to say in person. Unfortunately, my recent woes were live and in person. I'm a coward. ::sigh:: Intertaining, I LOVE making up new words. Who needs spell check!(My brother would love you for quoting Spiderman)

Rubby, I'm an extremely expressive person. I wear my emotions like I would a huge feather boa. They are that obvious. Because of that I always value face to face conversation. Understanding is so rare today because people make no effort. As far as your geeky little friend, tell him to pull out the pocket protector stuck in his eye and see the light! He must not hide behind a computer screen! Linear conversation or not!
Your imagination has run rampant on our identities, what do you imagine us to be like?

Lubby, I was JUST talking to an English friend of mine on this very topic and he said that in regard to emotions and the wonderful world of dating that Americans are a harsh and cruel bunch who regard everything as final. It is so foreign for us to be expressive with our emotions that when someone does express something we do not reciprocate we run for the hills and write them off. He cautioned that I need to break free of the Amerian mold and be more gentle to the softer sex, men :).

I agree, I believe people play because they are too lazy to go after something that requires effort and time. Games are easy, honesty and sincerity are not.

beyondthestairs said...

Great post kid. Believe it or not I can remember when there were no computer and there were no cell phones. I remember a 50-page letter secretly handed back and forth between two people who had never met each other in person. My point is the internet is just an excuse. When it comes down to it, it is we as individuals who type the words that appear on the screen. It is we as individuals who make the cell phone calls. It is we as individuals who write the letters. It is we as individuals who flirt in person. I can not say I've not been guilt of this in my past as well.

I think many people like this form of conversation because it requires not commitment. I agree the written word is beautiful and should be used from time to time because it gives you the ability to say what you otherwise could not. However, many people flirt in any fashion just because they like the feeling of being liked. Once they get that feeling they don't really need the person any more and so move on as lila said. We could have a linear conversation about this all day, but 98% of what I'm saying would be lost or misunderstood. ;)

SillyAlicat said...

Rubby, my giant feather boa is multi-colored this way it matches with everything!
Lubby told me of her evil plot to take and sell all your clothes and pretend she discarded them. Mischevious ,eh?

Anonymous said...

I love this post.