Thursday, August 10, 2006

Quirksters & The Like

Quirk, Quirky, Quirkiness.

Harriet Beecher Stowe once said that "Every (wo)man had (her) his own quirks and twists." Ms. Stowe was right, but as I've come to realize some of us possess more quirks than others. Take for example, me.

After much self analyzation and unsolicited outside commentary I have come to grips with the fact that I march to the beat, not of a drum but of a harp or maybe even the cowbell. (more cowbell?) I do not think I am more abstract or out there than most people I come across in this bustling metropolis but I am in fact a person who possess many idiosyncrasies.

I find many people in this world try to be so odd they bounce right back to the trend. I am definitely not one of those people. Clad with snazzy shoes and lip gloss most people look at me and think of me as somewhat normal. If you leave me alone too long in any particular environment I assure you I will and I have done many a weird thing. People would claim it was for attention but honestly it's become so second nature for me to make everywhere I go a place of comfort that I rarely ever take a second glance as to my behavior coming across as odd, silly or questionable. It's hard for me pinpoint the odd things I do, but here are a few I can scrape up from the tombs of my mind:

  • I must sleep facing the door wherever I am or as far from the door as physically possible. Sometimes this has resulted in my moving the bed or simply just sleeping on the floor.
  • I have to drink a full glass of water before I eat any meal. This is particularly true if I'm very hungry.
  • I am not a germophobe and so sharing with basically anyone is ok in my book unless the other person is taking the first sip or bite from my food. Why? Because I feel like it's been contaminated.
  • I cannot go to bed on a regular weekday not knowing what I will wear the next day.
  • I have to wash my hands before I take a shower.
  • I always take my left shoe off before my right
  • Raisins freak me out. I loathe them. Just this passed weekend I saw raisin soda being sold at a Jamaican store and I nearly vomited. (I do not kid about raisin disdain)

I am sure many of you reading this can think of countless odd things I do and say that would be put in such a category. Please feel free to submit any quirks you think I have as well as any you may have; I'd love to hear them.


Johnathan Foster said...

I must always sleep with a blanket. Even if it is scorching hot outside.

I can never enter the shower with the water on.

Wearing a shirt tucked in is rare. My body seems to reject it.

Mmmmm, this raisin pudding is excellent.....

Anonymous said...

hello rainwoman!!

SillyAlicat said...

Raisin Pudding! *vomits* What do you do for your suits? Do you just cut off the ends of your shirts so they rest at your belt? I need me some blanket lovin' too. Entering the shower without the water on is a risk. The water can be too hot or too cold. Either way you end up doing a temperature dance (sean paul reference... maybe haha)

Steve, did you know there are exaclty 567 characters on this page :-D

Lyssa said...

When setting my alarm I need it to be on a multiple of 5. Like instead of setting it for 7am. I set it for 6:55. I think it's because this way I get 5 extra mins to hang out in bed before actually getting up.

I can't enter the shower with the water OFF.

I need to eat an apple first thing in the morning. Otherwise my BSL goes crazy the rest of the day.

If I have sneakers or boots on, I can only stand it for so long, I need to change to flipflops or just be barefoot.

I eat my food seprately. Finish the potatos move on to the broccoli,etc. Never mix.

I'm like that with books too. I can't read more then one book at the same time.

beyondthestairs said...

I used to have a few quirks, but then realized they only held me back. I forced myself to do whatever it was to my quirks insisted I didn't. I'm sure I still have a few, but I feel more free from quirks than most. You can just send a fax to 1-800-NoQuirk. List your quirks, your emotional issues, and your phone number for a return call.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You forget that you always have to break apart your food and dip it into various things. Ex. Your fries & milkshakes, Wednesday with your L&B pizza :-$

You also MUST look at your reflection whenever you pass anything that can provide you with a reflection.But then again I do that too, and come to think of it all of us do... I guess we're just a group of conceited ppl, it's probably because we're so sexy 8-)

We all know I have to have some quirks if we have been friends for so long...

When going out to eat I CAN NOT sit next to a wall. I have to have an open seat. Like at a diner when sitting at a booth I can't sit inside, I have to be the last one who sits.

On my desk at work I have to have everything parallel to the edge of the desk. It all has to be perfectly straight. I will rearrange it so that it does 2 or 3 times.

At home the mat outside my door must be perfectly straight and against the door completely. If it isn't I get like itchy and have to go back to fix it.

I have to sleep with my door closed.

The shower curtain in the bathroom has to touch the walls at both ends when anyone is out of the shower.

I throw out milk about two days before the expiration date and already consider it "old". I don't trust it man, they might have gotten the date wrong. I don't take any chances with dairy.

There's a lot more...
Wait a second I reading back on this, I don't think I have quirks I think I might just have OCD =(

Anonymous said...

i can never take a compliment without having to reveal something horrible about myself. why?

SillyAlicat said...

Lyssa, they don't call you flipfloproxy for nothing! I dont mind reading books seperately but I confuse them and then I'm like WAIT there were dinosaurs in the Rennaisance.

Ryan, I suggest you invest in a good hand moisturizer to keep those hands nice and smooth from all the vigorous washings you give 'em.

Lila, I ALWAYS stand on my tiptoes when I am looking for something, even if I have to bend down for it. I agree with your reasoning on the first bite. "It's MY food so I want to try it first!" The kitchen.... is it carpeted?

Aaron, Liar.

Steve aka morningstar, I did eat breakfast today. Thanks for caring. What's the countdown up to right now? 20 days!! Beaner is so happy!

Shei, I completely forgot about the food pulling apart thing. It's almost impossible for me to eat with just a fork. Hands are a necessity and everything I eat has to be eaten in layers. 7 layer dip is a complete mess for me. As fas as the mirror thing, I plead the 5th. Oh and I can't sleep with the door open either. I need to hear a knob turning before I'm viciously murdered.... I think you do have ocd

Foxy!!!! ... I think we all do that at times. It's possibly a mark of humility touched with insecurity. Did I mention I think your fabulous?

Anonymous said...

19 days and counting ALI

Smapdi said...

I am sure I have quirks. But all the quirks listed here are along a similar line, which is throwing me off. I can't think of what kind of things i should put up as quirks, because well, I am clinically Insane....

So my quirks arent like the ones listed here. I don't really have any ocd kind of quirks.

Though... I do like to say "your mom" alot. Usually tagged with the last words of the previous scentence someone else said.

For Instance if someone was to say to me "Man, I had a long trip from albaquerky!"

I might reply with "Your mom had a long trip from albaquerky!"

It can be done with just about any scentence spoken to you. TRY it sometime....

SillyAlicat said...

You're mom can do it to just about any sentence spoken to her.

How'd I do?

Smapdi said...
