Monday, August 07, 2006

Reaching Out Without Looking In


It is defined as "a state in which everything seems wrong and will turn out badly" or "recklessness arising from despair."

It seems from these definitions that no good could result from a course of desperation. Unfortunately, desperation seems to be the path taken by many. After hearing of an unsettling situation that involved a dear friend, I began to wonder if desperation stemmed mostly from a strong desire to be loved or just a lack of knowing one's self. Of course, those who desperately seek love from others means they do not know the personal potential each one of us has to be self sufficient and content.

Desperation comes in all ages, marital statuses, and genders. It is something I see happen way too often. It is something I pity, something I want to cure and something I fear.

I wonder if the people in such dire situations know they are desperate or just think of themselves as "damsels in distress" awaiting to be rescued from their current state of hopelessness. I wonder if these people leech on to whoever comes by in hopes that they are an emotional Samaritan or do they know they are settling for a solution that is temporary and destined for disaster?

Today's Inspirations: Stuffy noses, disturbing phone calls, Ray LaMontagne, and once again hope.


Smapdi said...

"Desperation is the raw material of drastic change. Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in can hope to escape." - William S. Burroughs

"Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them." - Henry David Thoreau

Smapdi said...

oh yeah and:

"Desperation is sometimes as powerful an inspirer as genius." - Benjamin Disraeli

Lyssa said...

I think desperation fails people when they don't consider any other options and view it as the only way.

I think desperation wins when people get their motivation. Sometimes what we call desperation others call faith.

SillyAlicat said...

Dusty, can we say I do love a good quote especailly from the likes of Thoreau. I wonder if he sat around just conjuring these things up and then waited for the perfect opportunity to share them with his contemporaries or was it just a random stroke of instantaneous genius.

Lil Lila, 'you complete me' GAG ME! We complete ourselves. As my dear friend Lucia always says men(relationships) should be the icing on the cake and not the cake itself and sometimes some cakes are just fine without icing!

Lyssa said...

ALI- i concur. Not that relationships shouldnt be meaningful but if you don't have your own act together, how do you expect to contrute to a healthy relationship, let alone a healthy marriage. You can't always rely on other people to make you happy. It's hard work that you have to do yourself.

I think also the whole idea of being despreate bc "no one else will have me" is so sad because it's just settling. Everyone should have high standards. When it comes to major life choices, do things that you want to do, not because others told you that's the way but because you know in 100 years you'd have made the same decision.

Anonymous said...


Smapdi said...

I could say that Ali. But I would rather not.

Sometimes one is just so lazy he would rather someone else write his comment for him.

Smapdi said...

HAH! Get it? QUOTE me, when I posted QUOTES! OH HO HO HO!

Uh, sure quote me all you want.....

Anonymous said...

seriously drink beer!!

Smapdi said...

Well, I was talking about that you wanted to quote me, regardless of the quote, because you were talking about quotes when i had quoted stuff.

Quote Quote Quotey Quote.....

SillyAlicat said...

You guys are making my head spin.

Morningstar, thanks for the wisdom.

Dusty, come on you know you want to say it. Just three simple words quotes-dot-com

Rubster, you are very wise to have such knowledgable friends. Maybe you should stop talking to me...

Ryan, I think that is the problem. People seem to take matters into their own hands far too often and do not rely on Jehovah. We are constantly told that the answer to our prayers may not be the answer we are looking for so maybe we should all stop trying to seek out truths and meanings to everything and just accept things as they are. Anyone in agreement with me?

Smapdi said...

Actually I didn't go to

I went to

Anonymous said...


SillyAlicat said...
I don't know where I could be without it.

Ruby, haha. I mean people may take the interest of let's say a very spiritually weak individual and turn it into Jehovah's direction. I think if we have to question whether or not it's Jehovah's direction then it is obviously not.

Ryan, who doesn't have a lot of growing up to do! I'm the poster child.

Rough night morningstar?