Thursday, October 19, 2006

Excúseme, извините меня, Excusez-moi

To Whom it May Concern:

I fret, and I toil all for the sake of the blogging world. I awake each day and I think to myself 'What will I blog about today?'. Do I do this for my own personal enjoyment? Of course not! I do this solely for the enjoyment of your eyes and the cravings of your mind. I would like to think of my blog as a way to contribute something to the community. So what if it may be the online community. So what if it mostly contains nonsense and ramblings. Your unconditional love is shown through your comments on my blog. It's a little reminder that says 'hey, so-and-so is reading this and they like it!'. So all you non-commenters, COMMENT. Enjoy this beautiful fall day and remember I will come after all of you one by one if you don't leave a comment. You know who you are, I know where you all live. Don't make me start naming names!

Much Love,

Your silly and insane blogger, Ali

P.S. Why is this picture being posted? Why not!


Anonymous said...

thats one way of pointing fingers! im guilty! i am!

Smapdi said...

You lost me after that picture, I can't concentrate enough to read after witnessing something of such Genius.

SillyAlicat said...


Dusty: I call him Felix. Isn't he fabulous?

Anonymous said...

You can't scare or force me into commenting on your blog with threats of retribution you know.

There is no WAY I am going to comment now. Ever.

Oh. Um. Well that backfired, darn you.

Ah well, from what I've read your blog is full of mirth and milk and honey and ginger folk and whatnot. In fact I would go so far as to say that it is, in point of fact, COOL!

So so cool.

Bwahahahaha. And the best part is, you STILL don't know where I live :)

Lyssa said...

It's the quite ones you have to look out for.

Is it just me or is that the spiting image of Anthony Michael Hall (affectionatly known as AMH or The Geek) if he had been born with fire red hair?

SillyAlicat said...

Tim: It seems my evil threats did work and not only that but it got me a drawing of an evil kitty! I want to inflict physical harm for your purposeful use of the word "cool" but I will restrain myself, for you are right, I still do not know where you live. It's only a matter of time, that I can assure you!

Lyssipoo: "It's the quiet ones you have to watch out for" I think that is just something some quiet person made up just so people would think there was more to him. Haha. I kid. The majority of the quiet people I know are quite the troublemakers. I mean, look at me!
I think he does bear a strinking resemblence to Anthony Michael Hall, who can I just say, has grown up rather poorly.

beyondthestairs said...

It's funny that people post to get people to comment. I just like putting words out there. I know many more people read blogs than comment on them and that's fine. More people read newspapers than write in to the editor.

SillyAlicat said...

Shut it, Martin.

Little hug, little kiss!

Anonymous said...

Well Ali I for one love your blog! A nice little bit of random relevance helps put the abstract into perspective. Well done! Ochin harosho, spaseeba! (no russian characters here)

SillyAlicat said...

Hey Roberta Hay!

Lovely to have you visit Chateau de Ali. How's Spokane?

I've decided you need to move to NY and be my Russian Buddy. What do ya say? Da! say da!

Anonymous said...

I say...ya hachoo but I don't know when or how or if it's even possible.