Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Gimme a Gimmick

gim-mick: [gim-ik]

to equip or embellish with unnecessary features, esp. in order to increase salability, acceptance, etc.

Everyone , it seems, has a gimmick. Everyone from the high brow elitist to the street vagrants has one. We all desire to be liked. We all desire to be accepted. Maybe not by society as a whole but by a clique, a club, a group or even a person.

Today, as I was walking down the street I came upon a man whose life's sum resided solely in a shopping cart beside him. Laying atop his head was an old and ratty foam crown of Lady Liberty. He had attached various ornaments to it; confetti, pins, and tassels all to make this old and worn out foam crown catch the eye of passer-bys. If it were not for this foam crown I do not think his small blue and gold coffee cup would ever see the glimmer of a coin or better yet the crumbled smiles of good ole' President Washington. His life depends on his gimmick.

I think with us normals, our physical life doesn't depend on gimmicks but a lot of times our social life does. All of us have a figurative blue and gold coffee cup waiting to be filled. How do you get yours filled?


Nina said...

gimmick! what a fabulous word! my gimmick is my shakira-like moves,.lol ok maybe not...however if I had a tuba and tap shoes that would certainly get my cup filled...

SillyAlicat said...

Ahh, fresh flowers are fabulous. It's amazing how something so little can cheer you up so much.

Neener, Your Shakira-like moves are your weapon, not your gimmick! Tubas scare me. Maybe you can learn to play the jazz flute instead.

I'm still thinking of what I do to entice others to me. Most of it is accidental. Maybe the smile is purposeful but I think that can scare people just as easily as attract them. WHO KNOWS?

Smapdi said...

I am along the same line of thinking as Lila. If I have a gimmick then I have no idea what it is.

In fact I dislike gimmicks, greatly, so if something I do is gimmicky, and i knew about it, I would probably try to change it.

Nina said...

In All seriousness (Ali you're asking people to "toot their own horn" which most won't do but secretly love to)...anyway as I was saying...In All Seriousness, I think my "gimmick" is excellent listening abilities. Good Eye Contact, Acknowledgement, Sincere Reaction, Thoughtful Replies.

Then again I have to ask a lot of questions to get people going, but once they do, they're hooked! And people like to keep talking about themselves. So I get ALL the dirt BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Smapdi said...

Excellent Listening ability Is, in my opinion, neccescary, and hence not gimmicky.

Smapdi said...

You know, now that I think about it, I guess my love for music could be gimmicky, Though, a love for something is nessescary for personal happyness, and if one didn't have any personal interest they would likely get boring fast.

But Hey, at I'm trying here, hehe.

Nina said...

I agree listening is necessary but not every one has mastered the techinque of thoughtful active listening. It is a gimmick because once it has caught someone's attention it lures them closer...that's the gimmick...

that and a nice piece of candy wrapped in pinks and blues and reds...

SillyAlicat said...

Hooray for a nice piece of candy wrapped in pinks and blues and reds!

Huh? What did you say? I don't think listening is gimmicky though. I think it's a fundamental trait that many people lack.

Nina said...

yes but that's what I said...hahaha