Monday, October 23, 2006

Too Close for Modern Comfort

Close talkers ( kl-oh-s t-aulk-er-s): 1. A certain breed of people that prefer to be in close proximity to those they are conversing with. 2. Also refers to people who like to be in close proximity as well as touch those they are conversing with.

Persons from large cities often live in a house the size of a cubicle and work in a space only suitable for a hamster. They spend a good portion of their day on an elevator with twenty other people crammed one on top of the other and an even larger portion of the day with someone's unwashed armpit in their face as they ride whatever means of public transportation is necessary for their everyday life. Their personal space is not only something revered but often rare.

People from small communities with a forest as their backyard do not feel cluttered. They have cars the size of studio apartments and closets to match. They come into contact with others and have no fear of the invasion of personal space because on a day to day basic it's in mass abundance.

I love watching the city dwellers and the country folk converse. More often than not, the country folk gets close and in the city dweller's own personal opinion, too close for modern comfort.

I too, am afraid of close talkers. I know they mean well, but do I really want another to smell the tahini sauce on my breathe, see the remnants of the last meal I ate? NO!

Of course, I know my share of city dwelling close talkers, but a good majority of the close talkers I know were raised in a place where grass wasn't a luxury and a kitchen and a bathroom were separate rooms and not one communal room.

To all those who insist on being close talkers: 1-Always carry mints to offer the person you are conquering in conversation. 2- Make sure your breathe is clean and fresh 3-Remember, 6 inches is always too close regardless of who you're talking to 4- Do not be deterred if a person refuses to make eye contact with you at such close distances, they may just think you are trying to woo them with your eyes.


Smapdi said...

Being someone who has never lived in a big city besides currently, I have always feared close talkers. Most of the so-called country people I knew as well feared close talkers. When one mentions close talkers the first person I think of is Juan Ortize from the congregation I went to In Columbus. He is around 5' 5" and so maybe he close talks because no matter what his face is always far from most other peoples faces'. But having a 60 year old spanish man talk very close to your chest while looking up at you is still just as uncomfortable.

SillyAlicat said...

The Hispanics are a different breed of people (i am one), therefore, he doesn't count!

" But having a 60 year old spanish man talk very close to your chest while looking up at you is still just as uncomfortable."
- Imagine how the sisters felt. As a tall person, I think that's the one reason I am easily deterred by short men. Their height is far too convenient and uncomfortable.

beyondthestairs said...

Most people seem like empty voids to me, so crowded or not I still feel like I have room to stretch out my arms. ;)

Anonymous said...

I've kinda done 'em both, lived in London for a bit whilst in Bethel.... I remember going to visit family in south London...I'd been cocooned in Bethel life for about 2 months... I went on the tube...hell what a nasty experience..Major panic set in...nuts....people just didn't lost on tube....asked about 20 people which way to go...nobody answered... was it my liverpool accent or the fact that big city people just don't talk....the only thing that cheered me up was seeing this really tall guy dressed like Mel Gibson from brave heart...the full hit...shaved head.... just standing there with an expressionless face....Why? To be honest I guess it was the only way he could deal with the ...loneliness a big city gives out.... I then remember that i had friends who cared...who I could go back to....felt better..better to "Too close for comfort".... I have to agree. Stinky breath is a real stomach churner....get it sorted and by all means brother hug me but don't talk right in my face.... my yi yi yi....Dog food... (sorry this covers 2 blogs)

SillyAlicat said...

JJ, lovely to make your aquiantance. Who are you?