Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Yes! No. Maybe?

Is it worth the wait?

It: love, family, travel, opportunity; basically anything that is worth or can be waited for.

We all wait. We spend nine years of our life waiting to reach double digits, 13 years to finish school. We wait in line at the store, we wait in doctor's offices. Sometimes we sing along to the smooth jazz they play, other times we peruse the golf magazines doctors seem to think everyone adores but most of the time we sit there idling, just waiting for our name to be called; waiting to be next in line; waiting to achieve that small goal we've set before us.

I'm sure some scientist has dedicated a good deal of time to finding out how many seconds, days, weeks and years each of us spend in idle waiting. I'm sure the amount of time would scare us senseless and immediately make us want to cut in line. My thought is, is anything worth the wait? How do you know if you've waited too long? My concern is, what if once you stop waiting something better comes along; some other opportunity that will take you to bigger and happier places.

For example, on a return voyage from Washington D.C. this past weekend my friends and I had decided we'd eat at the rockin' hotspot Cracker Barrel. Driving on route 95 we encountered many alternatives but we were determined. After an hour of surpressed hunger we decided it'd be wise to choose something else. We ended up at the very next place we saw, Friendlys. After eating and hopping back into the car, just some ten miles later there it was, Cracker Barrel, then another Cracker Barrel and another, and another. In a matter of thirty minutes we had encountered at least 5 of them. This, obviously, led to us questioning ourselves, our wondering if we should've just waited.

We were hungry, we were desperate. Did we settle or did we get exactly what we needed?

So I ask those who've waited, those who are waiting, those you didn't wait and those you are torn between the two, will it be worth it? In life, when is it considered settling? When is it getting exactly what we need? When is it getting exactly what we want?


Lyssa said...

That is why I always pack a cooler of food. Because, while I'm ALWAYS willing to wait for a Cracker Barrell, my body sometimes needs a little encoaragement!

Maybe that's why I'm the size of a "whale"
wink wink wink.

SillyAlicat said...

Haha. You and your little old lady bag of fried fruits and vegetables. I love it.

Whales eat a lot of carp. Do you?

Smapdi said...

that is why it is so important to know exactly what you want beforehand.

Then you will know whether or not what you are offered is settling or not.