Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Fade Out

There are certain people in our lives that always stay within our main focus. These people are there because you as well as they chose to be put there. They want to help, to love and to care. Sometimes these people are there without us even knowing and sometimes we put them there without them even knowing. Maybe it was a simple word or act of kindness that has allowed our minds and hearts to forever burn them into our retina.

Then, there are other people. I call these people the peripherals. These people were once in our main focus but for one reason or another have drifted along to the side of our vision, or grasp and they seem to be only blurred, unidentifiable objects. We know they are there, but we don't know the import they have or even the role they want to take on for us.

Why is it that we let ourselves fade out people? Why is it that others make themselves someone to be faded out. I know personally I've faded out a person from my life. They are the candle that I keep walking farther and farther away from until eventually I have no idea where that candle went and why I even left it in the first place. Estranged relationships, especially ones that were suddenly or slowly faded out are the kinds that make you ponder years later. Most of the time, it has very little or nothing to do with a specific falling out you and the other person had. It usually was just a mutual growth of life, just in opposite directions. Is it possible for these peripheral people to become our retina's focus once more?


Anonymous said...

Sometimes you have to fade people out, otherwise they'd destroy you. Others fade you out coz they don't like where your at or who you are. A handful will be faded for a time, but you always know at some point the fade will end.

Some fades happen coz we're just plain scared, this can be the worst and saddest fade of all.

Great thing is the one person we can truly rely on never fades us out, only if we allow him to be our focus. This indeed leads to the greatest clarity and happiness of all, the inner kind. J

Anonymous said...

It is very possible for peripherals to become main focus again. For a very long time I let way too many people become peripherals and then realized that I wanted them from and center again. This is where our concerted effort comes into play and our true desire for them to be in our life shows

Smapdi said...

People Fade in and out of our lives all the time. It just normal. It's not within our power to have every person in the world as a regular part of our lives all the time. But, that is why eternal life is so handy, time is never wasted, and time never runs out to see friends again. Having people "fade out" only seems like a bad thing because we have such limited time right now.