Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Comeback Kid

1. a return to a former higher rank, popularity, position, prosperity, etc.: The ex-champion kept trying to make a comeback.
2. a clever or effective retort; rejoinder; riposte: That was a great comeback the comedian made to the hecklers.

After a long absence, I'm back. After perusing my old posts, I realized, 'GOSH, I miss writing!' So, here I am. I hope to keep the momentum going. I hope to provoke thought and emotion, while channeling my feelings in a proactive and hopefully, amusing way.

Questions, comments and suggestions always help motivate me. So, question, comment and suggest!


RubyTuesday said...

we all come crawling back. ;D

SillyAlicat said...

Oo, you're back too!?

We get bored. We leave. We come crawling back. Such is the circle of life, I suppose. Glad you saved the link!