Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Is It Just Me or Are You Really Crazy?!

Crazy: {krey-zee}

1. mentally deranged; demented; insane.
2. senseless; impractical; totally unsound

ape, barmy, batty, berserk, bonkers*, cracked, crazed, cuckoo, daft, delirious, demented, deranged, dingy*, dippy, erratic, flaky, flipped, flipped out, freaked out, fruity, idiotic, insane, kooky, lunatic, mad, maniacal, mental*, moonstruck, nuts, nutty, nutty as fruitcake, of unsound mind, out of one's mind, out of one's tree, out to lunch, potty, psycho, round the bend, schizo, screw loose, screwball*, screwy*, silly, touched*, unbalanced, unglued, unhinged*, unzipped, wacky

It's strange how it works; One day you know someone, and the next day you don't. How long do you have to know someone until their true colors come out? A week? A month? A year? A lifetime?

One day they are completely normal, and the next: cuckoo, insane, unbalanced, unglued and a whole slew of words listed above.

It makes you wonder; can you ever know someone too long? Are we all just crazy and it just takes some of us longer than others for our true colors to come out? Or is it just a select few of us that can hide it incredibly well. These people know that they only way they will be successfully admitted into society is by hiding their insanity. Blaming it on other people; 'oh, she's so crazzzyyy!,' 'Pssh, can you believe that imbecile!'

I never thought I'd say this, but cheers to the crazy people who admit they've got issues. Congrats to the lady wearing a tiara to the meetings. High five goes to the guy who talks to himself on the subway. Thumbs up to the guy running down a crowded street in his underwear. Because you know what, at least you'll never allow these people to get close. You won't have coffee with a lady wearing a tiara (unless she's the new Miss America,) you won't go to the movies with the guy who talks to himself on the subway, and most definitely won't kiss the guy who runs down the street in his underwear (for no good reason.)

You won't lower your defenses and then all of a sudden *WHACK*--that was their all kinds of crazy hitting you on the head.

How long will it take for you? How long will it take for me?

I'm out of questions. I'm out of answers. But I have learned one thing: Sometimes it's not a matter of if but when.


RubyTuesday said...

wait, wait... kissing guys who run down the street in their underwear is a bad thing??

oh dear.

Anonymous said...

How did you know I wear a tiara to meetings? Who told you?

nice job aladdin.