Friday, July 14, 2006

Advertise, Advertise, Advertise!

The Kings County Crushers doing what we do best. . . SERVICE!

Our Service Song- Lyrics by Joe, Christian, Sue and yours truly
Makin' money is for dorks,
What can you do but buy a whole bunch of sporks,
We're out here preaching the good news,
Instead, we could be drinkin' lots of booze,
The world and their ways are totally insane,
That's why we're out doin' the special campaign


Nina said...

Why is it on the most disgusting hot humid sweaty days in service SOMEONE has a camera??

Guess Murphy's Law is alive and kickin'

Great service poem...
Steve Spamoni will be a fairly regular thing when you're here. Don't worry we'll stuff you full of pizza and ices.

SillyAlicat said...

Hey Stevarino! I know, spumoni (proper spelling, ahem Nina, you should know better!) is addictive and delightful. Like Nina said, we'll make sure you are not deprived while you're here in the food department of things.
Nina, you looked delightful yesterday. Today... haha I kid! I love these pictures of you!

SillyAlicat said...

Ahh shucks Bec! It was the first day of the campaign, spirits were high and spumoni and pizza was on my mind! Don't worry, when you and Nic get back from your trot around Europe we'll be here to soothe your food cravings (you will be comning from England after all)

Anonymous said...

DOWN WITH KINGSCOUNTY! Yay for Sunset *thumbs up*

SillyAlicat said...

Does Sunset even go out in service anymore? Just wondering... :-D

Anonymous said...

becca and nic have the trots????

stay away from england then!!

SillyAlicat said...

I assume that mean's Perry isn't welcome in your country then. FINE! An enemy of Perry is an enemy of mine Flemming!

Smapdi said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
SillyAlicat said...

Petey, do you make it a habit of posting sassy comments and then deleting them?

Smapdi said...

Only when i make a joke, and the realize it makes absolutely no sense.....

Smapdi said...

besides, you deleted a comment from my blog i believe.... so we are even! :P

SillyAlicat said...

I didn't delete it. I just reread it and was shocked and disgusted at my poor use of grammar. Alas, I copied, pasted and edited the comment and it is there on your blog for the public to see and adore! Your's was somehting about alliteration, if my deleted email stash doesn't fail me. It made sense, the funny aspect was a little lackig :-D