Monday, July 24, 2006

Femmes For Not Foregoing Fun

Rose Kennedy once said "Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever remains to them?"
What remains to us? Well, Jehovah has provided millions upon millions of things and places to do and see to amuse and educate our brains. I feel as though it would be a sin not to take free delight in these gifts from above.
That being said, consider this the official sign up sheet of our new club, Femmes For Not Foregoing Fun. I will submit a long list of places that I want to go and those who are interested in traveling to these said places with me can suggest a time when going to said place will work for them. Feel free to add to the list.

Applicants must be: single, fun, free spirited, easy going, lovers of adventurous travel, low maintenance, spiritual minded, and drinkers of beer. Men's applications will be considered if a headshot and short listing of qualifications are included. *

Locations, Locations, Locations:

Europe- Luxenbourge, Greece, Romania, Tuscany, Florence, Iceland, Greenland, Scotland, Switzerland, Norway, Costa Del Sol, Hungary, Turkey, Paris, Canes, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Pourtugal and Copenhagen

Asia- The Yellow Mountains/ Yellow River, Mongolia, Nepal, Thailand, Taiwan, India, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos

Africa- South Africa, Kenya, Egypt, Zambia, The Republic of Congo, Chad, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Israel, Pakistan, Morocco, Madagascar, Sierra Leone

Latin America- Belize, Costa Rica, Easter Island and the rest of Chile, Patagonia and the rest of Argentina, Galapagos, Brazil, Falkland Islands, Machu Pichu and the rest of Peru

North America- Prince Edward Island, British Columbia, Alaska, Arizona, Washington, Colorado, Nantucket, Mississippi, Louisiana, Yosemite National Park, Death Valley, Yellowstone National Park, 1,000 Kisses Falls, Toronto

The Cheeses that Stand slightly alone- Antarctica (they have adventure cruises!), Australia, New Zealand, Solomon Islands, Tahiti, Fijii, Cook Islands

* Seperate accommadations are necessary

Today's inspirations: All things Beck; Sunday Sun, Girl, Jackass and Shake Shake Tambourene to name a few, mojitos, helium filled party balloons, 4 a.m. strolls on the beach with good friends and finally, the abstract idea and condition of faith.


Lyssa said...

omw i am so in.

and i love how low mainteince is on their. i hate anything high maintience.

Smapdi said...

If men's applications are accepted are they then known as femmes? Because that might scare some guys away :P

SillyAlicat said...

Cand, glad to have you aboard. It's a shame your sister wants to come too.

Lys, I'm just kidding stinky! I agree, low maintnance is essential for proper travel. Otherwise it's 'we've got to walk HOW far?' or ' eww i'm not taking a bus' or 'can we eat AMERICAN food?'

Peter, you can be known as anything you like. Uomo, Homme, Manboy, etc.

Ruby, your eagerness alone wins you the title of Vice President. We still have openings for treasurer and Secretary. Any takers?
I'd LOVE to go to the English convention in Mexico. Who are you meeting up with over there? Unfortunately, work, school, service and the negative balance in my checking account could be a factor. A house in the hungarian countryside... I'm free in the fall through winter!

SillyAlicat said...

Lila, just the other day I dropped off my friends Becca and Nic at Iceland Air. Becca has a friend in Iceland as well. Maybe its the same friend, if so I'll get a jump start and begin humming It's a Small World. I'm completely jealous I couldn't go.

Ladies and future hommes of the FFNFF, Ms. Lila has described herself as anal. I know i did not say the applicants had to 'not be anal' but I think as a group we should decide whether or not we want a fraud child in our midst. Personally, she seems like a cool bean and my good friend adores her so I say Aye. Everyone else?

SillyAlicat said...

Rubby, super long comments are part of life's little joys! Keep up the longevity.

Lubby, you're absolutely right! We need a responsible person in our midst, plus you have gained our respect during the Mouse Wars of 06. YOU'RE IN! (puts on Donald Trump wig)

Smapdi said...

Lila, It isn't the presence femmes that would scare them away, it's being a femme that might. But I am fine with being a Homme. But that means I am a HFNFF, or as i like to pronounce is Huff N' Fuff. hahaha.

SillyAlicat said...

Huff N' Fuff! I like it!
Let's go down the list of recruits:

Candace, the librarian and literary extraordinaire
Lyssa, the student and sassy pants
Dusty, provides entertainment to the more boring states of the U.S.
Lila, jewelry maker/fasionista
Jess, receptionist/daydreamer
Moi, full time juggler, part time court reporting student
Any other applicants?

Smapdi said...

hmm, if i am a provider of entertainment to the boring states, does that mean my powers would increase exponentially in the interesting states?

Hmmm, that may finally be my way of becomming a super hero!

SillyAlicat said...

Petey, your powers would increase only because the people around you would be so incredibly interesting themselves that they would be fuel to your figurative fire.
I'm wear my underwear outside my pants, therefore, a superhero I am!

SillyAlicat said...

What is wow inspiring Lilita? Do share!

Anonymous said...

So am I considered single or not? and does that count me out then?

Pakistan and Israel are in West Asia fool! and they told me they don't want you anyway =\

I have a place you simply must go to add to the list.. North Dakota

SillyAlicat said...

If you're talking about maids of honor and what not, no you are NOT single. Must I have a talk with Dave?
AND all those stinkin middle eastern countries are so confusing, whose in Asia, whose in Africa, who hates who. All I know is, I want to go there (probably the new system will be a good time)

Anonymous said...

haha I know it is really confusing but I don't know why i LOVE geography.... :-$ forget it.
I want to go to Israel too, I hear now is a good time of year, you know with the bombs and wars and all :-X We should go

beyondthestairs said...

So, you guys need someone back here in the states who knows about traveling. How to contact you and help you if trouble comes up. Plus you need someone to check your mail, feed your pets, and sign up new applicants while you're gone. I feel I might find a travel buddy of my own if I lent myself to this part of the group. Deal? Talk it over and let me know.

SillyAlicat said...

Being that we all live on opposite sides of the US, the feeding of Lila's mice, Jess's vacuum, Lys and Candy's dog and my cats could be quite hard. But you are more than welcome to use your frequent flyer miles to do so.