Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Hazy, Hot Honduras

Some things I learned while in Honduras:

Giraffes do in fact swim; they just do it a little more awkwardly than most other mammals.
Apparently, saying your scared and being afraid of hurting yourself are the same thing.
When you think you're being overcharged for a drink, embrace it. You just may receive tenfold back.
Drinking local water does in fact impair better judgment.
Gravel, faulty brakes, and mopeds should never be in the same sentence.
Docks, nor hammocks will ever become last year's news in my book.
I value ice cream more than my physical well being.
Always protect your butt cheeks, you never know when a taxi will come by and squeeze 'em.
Chicken wings in red light are not undercooked just tinted.
Russians in saltwater are negatively buoyant.
Never trust a man who drives a Kia.
David Gray never gets old.
Europeans are onto something with this techno business.
Bubbles tickle.
Hearing the words 'hey, taxi?' can in fact get very old.
A little love for 'Italia' only hurts small drunk men.
Contrary to common belief, the country of Honduras is not of need of any mayonnaise.

And Finally:
No matter what, keep breathing!


Nina said...


SillyAlicat said...

Oh no you didn't! I promise I won't let you down this time... I hope!

Lyssa said...

You got your butt pinched by a taxi? like the actual car came and hit you or a taxi driver was being fresh? haha.

SillyAlicat said...

You know Herbie the Love Bug, well apparently he's got a LOT of love to share. It was actual a creepy man in the passenger's side of the taxi. I was shell shocked but after all I have been doing my squats, who can blame the guy!