Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Importance of Being Ernesto?

I was never one for the novela names. To me it just always screamed of drama and corruption. I've had my share of dealings with people with such a name. They always seem to live up to the dramatic heir that name holds on.

Ernesto is no exception. In typical novela fashion Ernesto forcibly rushes onto the scene commanding everyone's attention. Not only does he demand attention but he demands that people's lives are moved around according to his mere whim. Very few welcome Ernesto but regardless of that all the characters are just mere puppets in his devious acts.

Nothing can stop his path. Neither hope nor force will deter him. If he plans on heading straight for me, he will.

Ask and ye shall receive is not the case with Ernesto. All I can do is pray he rears his ugly head before Friday. If not, I'm stuck. I'm stuck in this frigid city. My thoughts won't be able to be released out on the open sea; a sea that has claimed as well as given life. This is the one time a year I feel free. I roam barefoot and alone. I carry a bag full of books and a head full of thoughts. Ernesto can't take this away from me. Not now.


Nina said...

hmm you're so right Ernesto is like a latin lover who passionately sweeps into your life and leaves only destruction and heartbreak...lol
Can't wait till they have a Hurricane Fabio

Lyssa said...

HAHAHA. "So I had to leave vacations early because Fabio just wouldn't keep his hands off me" ....

It is kinda amazing how powerful nature can be. And really when it comes down to it. Their's nothing people can do but wait it out most of the time.

Smapdi said...

You know I am ernesto, right?

I am all hurricanes!

Except for those lady named ones. That's not my style. hehe

SillyAlicat said...

Nina, I can see it now "Hurricane Fabio sends havoc upon the hearts of swooning women all across the East"

Lyssa, I don't care about waiting it up but I best be waiting it out on vacation! I don't want to be here next week! I lack sleep.

Dusty, only if you grow facial hair of some kind will I allow you to be Ernesto

Smapdi said...

Are you kidding me?

You should see me on saturday mornings. My meetings are one Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, and I work the rest of the week, so come saturday when i go to shave it is a wonder my razor doesn't scream in fear.

Besided being pale, my ancestry also garatees I will begin to look like teen wolf after a couple weeks of not shaving or not getting a hair cut.

Smapdi said...

which makes it no wonder that my brother used to call me teen wolf when i was a teenager.....