Monday, August 07, 2006

Lovely Light


We are a painfully aesthetic and obvious generation. We like everything down to our toothbrushes to be appealing to the eye. There was a time when labels were cut and dry. There was no use for adjectives like "vibrant", "delightful", "refreshing", "soothing" or "delectable." Rolled oats were merely rolled oats, a potato was a potato and people were people.

It seems to me that with the complexity of labels came the complexity of people. People today almost seem to seek out ways to label themselves. Shirts boast ridiculous things like "Cutie", "Daddy's Girl", "Loser", "Freak", "Future Trophy Wife", "Stud" and these are just some I've seen in the passed few days. They obviously range from the overly narcissistic to even self loathing. I loathe labels or logos that try and convince the world of what you are or are aspiring to be.

That being said, there is one label I proudly wear as well as millions of others around the world. Just this passed weekend thousands the world over wore purple badges promising "Deliverance At Hand." I was one of those people.

Unlike the bearers of most labels or logos, these purple clad clan are a smiling bunch. This logo boasts no gimmick or cheesy advertising because it need none. Just the promise of imminent deliverance is enough to make people do a double take. I won't spoil the program for any who have yet to go but the tone of the convention was a huge kick in the pants. It had an urgency that no other has had. The topics of discussion were blunt, refreshing and much needed. They left no room for confusion as to what has to be done immediately. Every year at convention when I see the smiling faces, listen to the enthralling talks and look down at the sea of white song book pages I have no doubt as to the truth and brotherhood of our organization. I really just wish they could skip the Watchtower Summary. Can anyone say future 'Questions From Readers"?

Today's Inspirations: Major sleep deprivation, Beth Orton, peaches, the "Deliverance At Hand!" district
convention and loyalty

A blog a day keep the internet bullies at bay.


Johnathan Foster said...

So my "I'm too big for this shirt, no really, it should probably be an XL" shirt isn't acceptable?

And that is one vote for the filtering out of the summary.....

Smapdi said...

We ARE a generation seeking aesthetics. Even I, with my effort to not be like everyone else, fall to it's lure. My music has to be just so, my art has to be just so, even down to the little things. And even though I havn't quite settled on what style i want, I want my clothes to get there as well.

It's rediculous how much we are raised to not only trust our eyes, but make them out as if sight is our only sense. Its funny, Satan works to blind everyone, by accenting visual pleasure. If they are distracted by something pleasing, they won't notice the imminent danger.....

If it weren't for the balancing factor of god's word, I would be just as blind as the rest.

SillyAlicat said...

Athos, keep the shirt, wear the shirt, love the shirt.

Dusty, I say you go for grunge. The Cobain movement will be coming back any day now. Make greasy hair and plaid shirts cool once more!

Lila, Friday....!!!!

Smapdi said...

well, there are 6 billion people in the world, and 6 million witnesses. I think that comes out to .1%

I must retire to my Math Nazi Cave now.....

Anonymous said...

I'm a little late on the commenting on this...

It would have been a great convention if you didn't talk the whole time! haha jk jk

No it really was an awesome convention. I have to say I really enjoyed it and it really hit home. I don't think we fully grasp how close we are to the end sometimes because we get so wrapped up in our own affairs. It was a good kick in the butt, especially for us young ppl who I think are more easily distracted by daily nonsense.