Tuesday, August 01, 2006



"The unspoken word is capital. We can invest it or we can squander it."

You don't have to know me well to know that my love for the spoken word is as alive and abundant as my love for all things iced and creamy. I love conversing with others; I love learning of people and their chaotic lives; I love learning about a world that exists beyond the scope of my visions.

But, there are times when I feel that the unspoken word is like Mr. Twain said, an investment. Children are often told 'silence is golden.' Aside from age and possibly a few inches, what makes children less worthy of speech than adults? We are all raised in an era where we are encouraged to speak our minds, make our voices heard, and all the while never care about what other people think of our thoughts. Is saying all that is in our dusty, twisted, chaotic minds always beneficial to those around us?

Sometimes, things are better left unsaid. The spoken word is not something we can catch with a butterfly net. It is not something we can coerce a person to give back to us. Once something is said, it is no longer in our possession but in the possession and grasp of the recipient.

Many a time have I regretted my words. Although my existence has been short and glutted with agitation I've learned that the value of silence compared to verbalization is much like that of silver. It may not seem as valuable, it may be harder to find but it's permanence and pliability far outweigh gold in many aspects.

I stay silent not because I lack thoughts or emotions but because I possess consideration.

Today's Inspirations: idiotic emails, ice cream, watermelon, Ben Harper, the beach and broken electronics.


Nina said...

These Passing Shadows
Throw us in and out of Gold
And replace our outlines
With Mis-spoken words
Yet retreating ranks
Uncover silhouettes
Uncover the thoughts
I came to forget
How this last Chance
Won't last so Long
Though It is your Silence
That Loudly sings Along

-JR Labrucherie...thought it was appropriate (esp the last couple lines)

Anonymous said...

Better to say nothing and be thought of as a fool. Than to speak sometimes and remove all doubt.

Anonymous said...

Its the same with music ali!!!!! the spaces inbetween the notes make the music.

SillyAlicat said...

Lila, I take that as the greatest of compliments from a fellow generous soul.

Nina, silence is indeed poetic and that was very well versed. You're a poet and now we all know it!

Sue, I think from now on I'm guarding my words like a treasure. Think that's a good idea?

Steve, like mother always told us 'if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all' I have too much to say and it's almost always something that would be instantly regretted. I'd rather seem rude than be regretful.

Lyssa said...

Oh I agree. But it's also something to remember when you hear something said.

People may try to make it seem that they know what they are tlaking about, when infact, they are really just blowing out hot air. Take every opinion with a grain of salt