Thursday, August 24, 2006

Who knows?

Chicken or Fish

Paper or Plastic

Coffee or tea

We are constantly presented with options. Some require no thought to answer. We instinctively say 'chicken, please' or scream 'COFFEE' . Other options require more thought; our choice of religon, marital partner, education, and occupation are just some of the the choices we may have to make in life.

Sometimes I think we are fortunate to have so many options in life. Other times I pity us. Do you think sometimes we have too many options? Is there such a thing as too many options? Does a multitude of options cloud our minds more than if we had less? Do we always find ourselves looking for more, if we know we can have more? If we had less choices in life, would we desire less or still be greedy?

People from simple places desire simple things. People from complicated places desire grand things.

Talk amongst yourselves.

Today's inspirations: D-a-m-a-s-c-u-s, enough to inspire a nation and Orange Colored Sky by The King Cole Trio


beyondthestairs said...

Many times I wish for less choices. This coming from the person who is always searching for something new.
Just choose the things that mean the most to you and realize the rest are not important. This doesn't limit your experiences, but helps your focus.
For instance, should or should not someone shave their legs. ;)

Anonymous said...

I believe there was a Sex and the city episode where Carrie wrote about this =p

Smapdi said...

I love options. I love choices. I don't think it is possible to have to many options because we need enough to make everyone unique.

I DO think, however, that due to imperfection, we can get too wrapped up in our options. Keeping a simple eye really just involves being able to pick what makes up happy and stick with it. Instead of trying to taste a little of everything, because there is too much to taste, and we would get metaphorically obese.

I love being able to sift through the options and settling on the ones that make me who I am.

SillyAlicat said...

J-Complexity breeds complex desires.

A-Focus in life, as well as the shaving of the legs is always a good thing.

S-I have no clue what show you're refering to :)

L-I say wear the brown shoes with the peep toe. They make your feet look stunning. I too wonder about the amount of milk my goat will produce. I've named him Harry. Harry the he-goat. I believe it to be a proper name.

J-You know everything you need to know about a person almost instantly. Don't you agree the brown peep toe would work wonders?

D-I think with the more options we have the harder it is for us to retain balance. We always seem to be searching for more. Look at Adam and Eve, they had everything and yet they still wanted more.

beyondthestairs said...

I think many times we are in a delima over our choices, because there are many choices we would like to choose, but for numerous reasons we can not choose them.

Smapdi said...

Ah! but it wasn't the option itself that led them astray...

It was the combination of their greed, and satan's lies.

That makes it a matter of training ourselves to trust the true source, and to keep our eyes simple so as no want to pick everything.

If it had been the option itself that led them astray, that would imply that god was at fault for providing the option. We all know that isn't true.

We all have free choice, how we choose though is up to us.

Smapdi said...

That's what i was trying to say... hehe