Thursday, April 02, 2009

Confusion's Illusions

Confusion: kuhn-fyoo-zhuhn
1. A lack of clearness or distinctness: a confusion in his mind between right and wrong. 2. Perplexity; bewilderment.

In life, unfortunately, we all have to make decisions; big ones, small ones, important ones, dull ones, ones that effect us, ones that effect others, ones that may cost a lot of money, ones that may cost a lot of pain. Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Going through an inevitable, and severe "quarter-life crisis," I have encountered many forks in the road. ("How come we've reached this fork in the road and it cuts like a knife?"-FOTC) I've toyed with all the various paths my decisions may offer. I've mulled. I've prayed. I've cried.

Is everyone as confused as I am at some point in their life? I feel that a lot of people drive through the freeway of life at 75 mph completely aware of where they're going in life and why. Unfortunately, I don't. I drive 30 on the freeway of life constantly checking my compass and atlas to see if I'm going the right way. I'm never sure. I always turn around. I think things through. I convince myself it's a smart decision. I think the same thing through. I convince myself it's a bad decision.

Is confusion an illusion and a security blanket for some, i.e; me. Are we scared of really knowing if what we are doing is right or wrong? Are we scared of the possibility of failure? Is confusion an illusion of bewilderment? Do we really know what is the best or worst for us but refuse to acknowledge it?

Are we all masochists?


♥♥♥♥♥ Jennifer™® ♥♥♥♥♥ said...

i like your blog......

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

woooo you're back baby!


Studio Trejo said...

i went through a quarter life crisis. it was BRUTAL. hang in. Take stock of your accomplishments. Count your beautiful blessings. One day, the things you have endured ed will be the things that you look back on with immense gratefulness that you learned that lesson Before and not Now when it would really mess things up. Trust me. Trust me.

Anonymous said...

Drive at your 30mph. It's life to wonder and question and feel confused. We'll flow and float And glide and and but we'll have people to get us along.

SillyAlicat said...

Lilichka, I appreciate your kind words. It's all uphill from here!


John said...

Great post! trust me, I relate to the fullest. Life and its forever winding roads continues to leave me perplexed and confused. Some time it even scares me into depression because of a feeling of hopelessness. It is refreshing to read from you a similar perspective at times. I also am 25... darn quarter crisis .. anyhow. great read. Check out my blog too if you have time :) great reads.