Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Happy Mishaps

Mistakes, misdirections, false steps, errors, blunders, boo-boos--we all make them. Some, unfortunately, are bigger than others. Some can change the course of our lives. Some, we'll forget about in days, or even hours. Some, never.

Our inherent imperfection makes it all too easy for us to err and even easier for us to blame our inadequacies on something we can't help. For the sad majority that believe their mistakes are just a result of imperfection, they will never learn. They will never grow. They will keep on making the same mistakes over and over again. It will be a vicious cycle of hurt and hate.

At one time or another, I think we all blame our shortcomings on inheritance. It's too hard to reflect on what we've allowed ourselves to become and think about ways that we can better ourselves. Laziness gets us nowhere, especially in the area of self-improvement.

I've erred. I've made mistakes that I thought no one could forgive me for. It's amazing how far mercy can get you, especially when it's Divine. Once you learn He can forgive you, it's just that much easier to forgive one's self.

Forgiveness and acknowledgment seem to be key when it comes to learning and making a near fatal mishap into something positive. I can say with the utmost confidence that I can't remember a time in my recent life where I've been this happy, this secure and this motivated to improve myself, my relationships and my plans for the future.

We all fall down, but will we be able to muster up the strength to get back up again? Do we have the energy to make a mishap something we learn from, something we grow from and something, dare I say, makes us happy?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very Nice! I whole-heartedly agree. My divorce was the worse thing I have ever experienced...yet I learned so much emerging from that, I am actually "happy" that I went through it. I don't know that I would have found the motivation to change myself for the better without it. Also, on the area of forgiveness, once I learned how to forgive myself, I found it so much easier to forgive other people as well.