Thursday, September 30, 2010

Guilty Pleasure

"A guilty pleasure is something one enjoys and considers pleasurable despite feeling guilt for enjoying it. Often, the "guilt" involved is simply fear of others discovering one's lowbrow or otherwise embarrassing tastes, rather than actual moral guilt. Fashion, music, and food (especially unhealthier foods high in sugar and/or fat) can be examples of guilty pleasures."

We all have them. Some, it seems, are more embarrassing than others. I'm not one to be easily embarrassed so I thought I'd share some of my top ten most guilty pleasures.

1. Fast Food Fiction. I read. A LOT. Throughout the course of my week I read magazines, news articles, classic literature, haikus (the only type of poetry I can stand to read), cereal labels, and so on. But, put me on a beach with a beer and bring on the James Paterson. Not everything in life was meant to inform. I like to read and not have to think or meditate. I just like to be entertained sometimes.

2. Reality Television. Simply put: watching the downfall and stupidity of others makes me feel like a slightly better person.

3. Pop Music. I know all the words to probably every Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake and Black Eyed Peas songs.

4. Facebook Stalking. This one is pretty self-explanatory. It's not gender exclusive. I find certain people very entertaining to "follow".

5. My Robe. I have a robe that I wear CONSTANTLY. If I could wear it outside without public ridicule, I would. Basically it's like a hug in the form of terrycloth. You should get one. It will love you back. Promise.

6. Chocolate.

7. Dancing and/or Cooking in my Underwear. I don't think there's quite as many things as liberating as being barely clothed, barefoot, blasting The Smiths and cooking some vegetarian chili.

8. Chick Flicks. I love good "films" complete with moving cinematography and a storyline that inspires but I'm an absolute sucker for a movie with a predictable plot and cheesy chick rock in the soundtrack. Oh, Gerard.

9. Youtube. Hours and hours of amusement.

10. Hitting Snooze. I purposely set my alarm 30 minutes early just so I can hit snooze three times. Three is, after all, my favorite number. Plus, I feel like I've stuck it the man by hitting snooze more than once.

The list is endless but these are the things most accessible in my mind. Enjoy.

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